I have 37 years of experience with different kinds of coaching. I have mostly devoted myself to "mentor coaching" in my role as a teacher and an instructor. I obtained a Certificate in Coaching through Coach Companion in Malmö.
I have mainly worked in sports and in schools where I´ve been helping individuals and groups to develop a clearer "target image".
I see every human being as an individual with each having his or her own unique character and potential . To see an individual clarify his or her goals, strive for them and sometimes even dare to pursue a barrier-breaking goal, is a process that is incredibly inspiring for me to experience and coach.
Deep down ,you certainly have a lot of dreams that you both want and can achieve.
Find your target image and begin your journey!


A teacher teaches - he is above criticizing
"You identify your client´s needs through active listening.
Your encouragement and praise is genuine,which for the client,
helps build up her self-confidence
and inner -strenght."
Lena Jergemo Axen
Marianne Ydremo
Coach Companion
"You take the client on a calm and mindful journey. You coach the client and encourage constructive conversation in a pleasent way.
You are genuinely intrested and not judgemental."
Lena Jergemo Axen
Marianne Ydremo
Coach Companion
" Your use of open questions allows the client to develop insight into how she can create an action plan for achieving her goals. You take your client´s dreams and visions to a new level,which brings new possibilities. You teach the client to take complete responsibility for achieving her goals.
In the process,you confirm the client´s ability to meet her measurable goals."
Lena Jergemo Axen
Marianne Ydremo
Coach Companion